Upgrade to PostegreSQL 14

August 2nd at 1:32pm PapyCasu

Désolé, mais cette page sera en anglais, elle est directement copiée de mon repo github...


If you inspect the Dockerfiles in this repo, you will notice that the base image I use for the 1.4.0 or latest tags is tomcat:9.0.64-jre11.

This image in turn is based on Ubuntu Jammy (22.04.4 LTS). And this version of Ubuntu comes with postgresql-14 in its official repositories.

Now, that is a problem for me, as my images used to use postgresql-13. So I need to add the postgresql repositories to be able to install postgresql-13. (and for those who were looking for a replacement of Oznu's original image when Guacamole 1.4.0 came out, that was a problem too at the time).

And I don't like that, so in the future, I will slowly try to migrate my images to the version of postgresql available in the base repositories.

Is this a problem for the users?

Yes, because databases are not compatible between major versions of postgresql and an upgrade is required.

If you try to upgrade in place (just upgrade from a postgresql-13 image to a postgresql-14 image), postgresql server will start, but will spew errors, telling you that the databases were created with an inferior version, and you will not be able to log in to guacamole, or use your previously setup connections.

That is not ideal to frank.

Then how do I upgrade?

Thankfully, the upgrade process should be quite easy:

  1. Make a backup of your config directory cp -r /path/to/config /path/to/config-backup

  2. Start a container with a postgresql-13 image (or make sure one is running), e.g. abesnier/guacamole:latest

  3. Run docker exec -it guacamole bash -c "pg_dump -U guacamole -F t guacamole_db > guacamole_db_backup.tar"

  4. Stop the container

  5. Start a container with a postgresql-14 image, e.g. abesnier/guacamole:latest-pg14

  6. Confirm it is running a postregsql 14 instance: docker exec -it guacamole bash -c "psql --version".

    This should return something like: psql (PostgreSQL) 14.3 (Ubuntu 14.3-0ubuntu0.22.04.1)

  7. Run docker exec -it guacamole bash -c "pg_restore -d guacamole_db guacamole_db_backup.tar -c -U guacamole"

  8. Open your browser to your guacamole home page, and confirm it works. It should.

Are you sure?

Well, a little. I can confirm these are the steps I followed for my use case, and it worked. I am now running latest-pg14, all the users and connections I had setup before are working, and the TOTP extension works too (tbh, I was scared the upgrade would mess up the secret keys, but no, it worked).

Postgresql documentation will recommend to use pg_dumpall or pg_upgrade, but none worked for me. So I reverted to the backup solution I already wrote in the README, and it worked.

"You're a moron and your steps did not work me"

Please raise an issue, I will look at it and help you as much as possible.


papycasu est un quadra qui n'y connait pas grand chose au jeux video mais qui s'y met quand même.


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